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School Council Minutes - September

Our new Councillors met for the first time today and our first discussion was around Health and Safety!

 St James School Council


Tuesday 24th September 2024


Mr Gardner

Governors - Charlotte Brew

Joseph & Year 6 - Head Pupil - Newly appointed

Flynn - Yr 6 - Handing over

Nico & Arran - Yr 5 - Handing over

Jillie & Joshua - Yr 5 - Newly appointed

Seb & Tabitha 

- Yr 4 - Handing over

Amelie & Addy - Yr 4 - Newly appointed

Jake & Ruby - Yr 3 - Handing over

Archie & Kaleya - Yr 3 - Newly appointed

JJ & Livvy - Yr 2 - Handing over

Arthur & Toby - Yr 2  - Newly appointed

Sam & Octavia - Yr 1 - Handing over

Avery & Claudia - Yr 1 - Newly appointed

Sam - Yr R - Handing over

Milly & Molly - Yr R visitors

Atlas & Maddy - Yr N

Apologies / absent

Mrs Jenkinson

PTA representative





Welcome to the new Council!

We said thank you and goodbye to last year’s Councillors who stayed and explained how the meetings worked. 


Trick Box Heroes

Mr Gardner introduced the idea of our ‘in development’ Trick Box Heroes. Most of the Council liked the idea - JJ not a fan of superheroes. 

Year R talked about how they already knew ‘Drew’ the Trick Box mascot.


Action Forms

Recycling competition 

Not approved - unsure what the competition entails - need specific detail.


  1. Arthur - when do we get our badges?
  2. Amber - swimming changing rooms curtains blow open
  1. Today - once we have taken our new Councillor photos.
  2. Velcro on the edges? - Mr Gardner to feedback to Mrs Lowry for when the pool re-opens.

Date of next meeting 

Tuesday 22nd October 2024