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St James Primary School

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Volunteering in School

Helping out at school can be a really good insight into the school day and how your child is being supported to learn.

We actively encourage our parents to become involved, if they so wish.

This not only expands opportunities within the school but also helps reinforce a commitment to education.

Here are some of the ways parents can get involved:

  • Listen to children read
  • Talk with a class about their work or other interests
  • Run or support an after school club
  • Join in with the working parties which improve the school grounds and general décor
  • Help with supervision of school trips
  • Support school concerts, drama productions and other events
  • Become a class representative
  • Become a school governor
  • Support village events such as the Duck Race, which are organised by the school.
  • Help with and support the PTA fundraising initiatives

If you are interested in helping out, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.

All helpers are DBS checked and given guidelines to help them work safely and effectively. Volunteers sign the document to show they have understood what is expected of them.