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St James Primary School

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School Meals AND MILK

We are very pleased that our caterers, Twelve15 serve fresh, hot meals on-site at school.  Their meals are carefully-balanced to provide the nutrients necessary to release energy throughout the afternoon.

School lunches and meal choices can be ordered online at    

You can order, amend or delete meal choices up to midnight before a meal is taken through your Scopay account.

Please see our Weekly Menus page to enable you to make the best meal choice for your child.


Ordering Meals

Fixed Pattern Of Meals - The school can order a fixed pattern of meals for your child, whether this be every day or a part-time pattern.   Please email the school office with your child’s name, weekly pattern and the date from when you would like this to start.  This fixed pattern will remain in place until you email the school office at and notify us otherwise.  This pattern is populated on Scopay automatically at the beginning of each half-term and you may incur a charge if you have not asked us to cancel these meals.

Ad-hoc Meals - If your child would like school meals on an ad-hoc basis, please order these yourself through Scopay, but please remember to contact the school office if you would like an existing fixed pattern deleted.      


Special Dietary Requirements

Twelve15 can cater for many special dietary needs, so if your child has a restriction for reasons of food intolerance, allergic reaction to any of the 14 recognised food allergens, and/or cultural and religious requirements, it is essential that you notify the school office.  Your child will not be able to access school meals until this process is completed, even in the event of a forgotten packed lunch, so please complete Twelve15's Special Diet Form if necessary.  Twelve15 company policy is that any dietary requirement which cannot be provided for within the legislated 14 allergens, or one of their seven special diet menus, cannot be accommodated and they are unable to provide service.

Please complete the Special Diet Form if you have not already done so.  Paper copies are available from the school office.


Packed Lunches

Children choosing to have a packed lunch eat alongside the children eating a school meal and we encourage parents to ensure that packed lunches contain a healthy meal.  Sweets, chocolate, sugary drinks and glass containers are not permitted.   No nut products are permitted due to severe allergies within school.


Cool Milk

Parents can order a 175ml drink of milk for their child each day for a subsidised fee from the company, Cool Milk.  Children under 5 and those eligible for free school meals do not need to pay. 

Please click here for more information and to register your child.