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St James Primary School

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St James Church

St James' Parish Church is situated on Westbrook Hill and was founded in 1138.

The school worships at the church at least once every half-term and clergy lead worship in the school once a week. We also have a dedicated group of parishioners who lead ‘Open the Book’ Bible story sessions weekly.

Sunday services in church are usually at 8:00am & 10:00am; an informal family service is held in St James School at 10:00am on the second Sunday of each month 

Please contact Revd Hannah Moore (01252 702217) for further information.

As a church school, we belong to the Diocese of Guildford and we are regularly involved in Diocesan events . The Diocese supports the school in a variety of ways with training, professional consultancy and capital expenditure.

Further information about the Diocese can be found at