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St James Primary School

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St James Learning Passport

At St James Primary we pride ourselves on developing the wider curriculum and have developed our learning passport to ensure that the children are given a range of activities throughout their time with us. Each activity is linked to one of our learning values.



Make a paper boat that floats!

Create a 3 course meal for your family

Learn to light a fire safely

Learn a new sport every year

Learn to kayak or sail

Learn to use tools safely

Learn to ride your bike safely on the road


Camp on the school field and go star watching

Take part in the J Factor

Make a den on the common

Create your own computer game/app

Be part of a school production and assembly

Join a school club every year

Be a wildlife area explorer


Be a peer tutor

Help look after the school dog

Be a buddy to younger children

Work as a team in house competitions

Be a member of the school council, sports or worship teams

Make a special tea for members of the local community

Be part of a sports team that represents the school


Create a work of art and exhibit it

Write a song/music and perform it

Learn to have a quiet, reflective time every day

Sing your own spiritual song in Church

Grow fruit and vegetables in the poly tunnel

Choose a new book from the library once a week

Share your work in school every term with your parents


Learn to play a musical instrument

Learn to swim and complete 2 lengths of the pool

Learn to have a growth mindset

Use prayer to help you in hard times

Go out in the rain!

Cook a new food and eat it

Learn to run for a mile