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St James Primary School

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Sport at st James

From the moment the children start school we focus on giving children plenty of opportunities to play a range of sports and disciplines, including swimming.

We develop the children’s skills and knowledge and use internal and external coaching to support the children.

We have just installed a new trim trail which focuses on developing children's gross motor skills and we have a running track around our field to help children can run and exercise each day. We also have a weekly running club for staff, parents and children.

Before the pandemic St James was awarded the Surrey Gold Sports Mark for the fourth year running (2018/19), one of only two small schools . We are extremely proud of our school sport provision which also utilises pupil leaders to encourage younger children to be confident and active.

Any children showing talent in sport are given additional opportunities to develop beyond the normal curriculum and may run clubs, learning how to share their talents with others. We use the House system to group children across the years into competitive teams. House Captains are chosen from Year 6 and they challenge and encourage their House to be the best in behaviour and work so they can win the House Point Cup. House Competitions run during the year to foster team spirit and a sense of collective endeavour.


Our specialist swimming teacher ensures all children leave us able to swim using a range of strokes, as well as understanding how to keep themselves safe in and around water. Our children love the heated pool which is used throughout the summer and for as much of the autumn term as the English weather will allow. At the end of 2021 most of our Y6 children could swim at least 25 metres. They have been taught front crawl, back stroke and life saving skills. Any child not reaching this standard in KS2 is given 'catch-up' lessons by our qualified swimming instructor so that they are competent swimmers by Y6. 

Sports Premium

We receive a grant from the DfE to continue to develop sport in school.

Plans for this year are;

Sports Premium Expenditure 2022-23