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St James Primary School

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Eco Schools

In 2022 & 2023, St James Primary earned their Eco Schools with Merit Green Flag award

This was very much driven by the children's passion and determination to make positive changes to our school for the benefit of the environment.

Eco Schools is a global educational programme which operates in 70 countries and engages 19.5 million young people. Their aim is to empower children to be the change our sustainable world needs by engaging them in fun, action-orientated, and socially responsible learning.


The Eco Schools journey involves 7 steps which the school follows each year.

Our Eco Team, which includes children from all Key Stages, are the driving force behind this journey. They meet regularly to discuss our action plan, share ideas and plan campaigns. We have found that this  has allowed the children to show real leadership skills and take ownership of the Eco Schools initiative.


In addition to taking part in whole school campaigns, our curriculum is mapped against the Eco Schools topics ensuring that every year group learns about environmental issues and sustainability.

Each year, the Eco Team select three topics to focus on. In 2021-22, the topics selected were:






To find out more about the Eco Schools organisation please follow this link.


We are also taking part in the Let's Go Zero 2030 national campaign which unites teachers, pupils, parents and their schools as they all work together to be zero carbon by 2030. To find out more please follow this link.


Forest School

We also make the most of our wonderful outdoor space at St James. Our Forest School programme:

  • Introduces the Natural World: Sparking a relationship with and curiosity in nature is rewarding and life-long, as well as increasing wellbeing and developing respect for our environment.
  • Develops Initiative and Self Esteem: New challenges, time and space allows children to use their initiative as well as build independence and resilience.
  • Builds Social Skills:Activities such as sharing tools, trying new projects and participating in play help teach children to work collaboratively and respectfully.
  • Helps Motivation and Concentration: Outdoor learning spaces are exciting and different, which helps engender a strong will to participate and concentrate.
  • Improves Physical Skills: Increased outdoor activity improves physical resilience, general wellbeing as well as gross and fine motor skills.
  • Provides an Opportunity for Appropriate Risk Taking:Trying something new, learning how to be safe and responsible while assessing risk - all in a supported environment.


Forest School provides wonderful and, at times, messy fun!
