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St James Primary School

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School Council

Who We Are

Our School Council is made up of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. The children are elected every September within their classes.

What We Do

The Council meet with Mrs Jenkinson, Mr Gardner and School Governor, Peter Luard to discuss any issues or ideas brought up in class by their peers. There is often news about upcoming events to share with the Council too, or we may need to invite other Year 6 leaders to give us updates of their areas of leadership.

We are a good School Council because we listen to and represent the views of our class and we get things done. We have a board in school where we post updates, and there are Action Team forms for any child to fill in if they have an idea.

Why should we have a School Council?

There are lots of reasons to have a School Council. To begin with, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. A School Council can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions that impact upon them. Evidence and experience from schools all over the country shows that a School Council that is supported and nurtured helps to improve many aspects of school life. It’s an important and useful way for schools to provide leadership and development opportunities for their pupils.

Student Councils are a great way for students to take on leadership roles, promote the voice of the student body, problem solve and impact their community. A Council serves as the voice for an entire student body and actively works with teachers and others to promote a better learning environment.

Within the school curriculum, Bringing Out The Best is at the core of what we want to achieve. The curriculum requires that young people are provided with opportunities to participate in school and society, and School Councils are an excellent way in which to teach young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability. Or, put simply, to bring out the best.