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St James Primary School

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DB Primary

DB Primary is the Learning Platform that we use at St James Primary. 

The children from Years R to 6 have access to their own work area where they can find school work, send messages to one another (if in year 2 upwards), blog... and much more. 

The great thing about DB Primary is that it is a 'locked down' site where the children can interact safely and only within the platform.  We can teach children how to use forms of social media safely from an early age, instilling in them a good sense of digital citizenship.

The platform is monitored by staff and all messages and interactions can be seen if required.  Schemes of work can also be sent to the children and easily assessed within the platform. The children have access to various 'communities' including their own class, whole school surveys and our podcast the St James Juice.

The children really enjoy using DB Primary.  If you have any questions, please come and have a chat. 

Click here for DB Primary homepage