St james Primary e-NEWS
27th February 2025
Welcome to the St James Primary School's E-News, a weekly roundup of the latest news and events at the school
Executive Headteacher's Blog
Dear Parents and Carers
As spring finally seems to be on its way, I think we are all looking forward to some much needed sunshine! We are planning a few improvements to our outdoor space which includes new playground markings and gates from the car park. The new gates will include a new pedestrian gate which will improve safety and make the entrance more useable.
This half-term always busy, with World Book Day, Red Nose Day and Easter fast approaching, so please keep an eye on the school calendar. After Easter, we hope to launch a new school app, linked to our school information system, which will allow you to access important day-to day information all in one place.
Best wishes,
Valerie Elliott
School Notices
- World Book Day - we will be celebrating World Book Day next Friday, 7th March. Please see the letter on the Parent Portal for more information.
- Positive Parenting in a Digital World 12th March 6-7.30pm - St James is delighted to host an in-person and live streamed talk with the Lucy Faithfull Foundation on Positive Parenting in a Digital World. As parents, one of our primary aims is to keep our children safe in both the physical and digital world. While most of us feel confident assessing and managing risks in our everyday environments, the online world can often feel bewildering and challenging to navigate. The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, experts in tackling online harm against children, will guide parents in understanding potential risks, exploring strategies to manage these risks, and fostering positive and healthy online behaviour. Recognising that every family is unique, LFF will help each parent or caregiver feel confident in making the best decisions for their children. For those who prefer to use livestream, the link is below;
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 399 645 716 098
Passcode: Qd7sP7M5 - Trick Box Focus - the trick that children are will be focusing on this week and next is Stand As If.
- PTA Second-Hand Uniform Shop - Danielle Sleightholme will be opening up the PTA Uniform Store at school pick-up on the occasional Friday to allow parents and carers to browse the available items.
- Drop in sessions with our Home School Link Worker, Helen Owen - The role of the Home School Link Worker (HSLW) is to support families with a range of issues at home or at school. 1:1 sessions are available on Wednesdays. To book an appointment, email Helen on or ring the school office to request a call back.
Letters this week
The following classes have had letters uploaded to the Parent Portal this week.
Note: You will need to login to view this area
- Puffins
- Owls
- Whole school
PTA News
Click on the link below to see the latest news from the PTA including news about Sunday's DIY Day and the School Disco
News Blogs
Dates for your diary
View the school calendar for the latest information
School meals
View this week's school menu
Safeguarding information
School Policy on Granting Leave of Absence
Advertising Hub
Please see latest from our advertising hub:
St James Primary E-News Archive:
- St James E News 23 1 25
- St James E News 12 12 24
- St James E News 24 10 24
- St James E News 26 09 24
- St James E News 13 9 24