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St James Primary School

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Early Years Balance Bikes

Mrs Bradbury and Miss Strange took part in balance bike training this week with the Bike Ability Trust. This is part of a country-wide initiative to get young riders onto bikes from an early age and promotes the use of balance bikes. We are excitedly expecting a delivery of six balance bikes and helmets any week now and will begin our training sessions with both Little Ducks and Puffins soon after.

Balance bikes have been shown to develop children's core strength, coordination and balance significantly and therefore when progressing to a pedal bike there is no need for stabilisers, which can often slow riders down. The reason for this initiative is that a growing number of 7-year-olds are not riding pedal bikes and therefore unable to access the Level 1 Bikeability course when run in schools.

This way we are hoping to support young children riding with confidence in a fun and engaging way. We are very excited for our new bikes and if anyone in the school has no need of their balance bike and would like it to go to a good home please speak to Mrs Bradbury as it would be great to have a couple more bikes!