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School Council Meeting Minutes - October 2024

This week we welcomed Mrs Stobbs from the PTA!

School Council Meeting Minutes - October 2024 


Tuesday 22nd October 2024


Mr Gardner

Mrs Stobbs - PTA representative

Joseph & Amber P - Head Pupils

Jillie - Yr 5

Amelie & Addy - Yr 4

Archie & Kaleya - Yr 3

Arthur & Toby - Yr 2

Avery & Claudia - Yr 1

Hamish & Lawrie - Yr R

Atlas & Maddy - Yr N

Apologies / absent

Mrs Jenkinson

Charlotte Brew - Governor

Joshua - Yr 5





Welcome to Mrs Stobbs from the PTA - what does the PTA do?

Joseph - Parents ask to help out - like a Teaching Assistant? 

Mrs Stobbs - It’s the Parents and Teachers Association.

Joseph - Ministry of Elstead etc

Joseph could we get new DT equipment?

Hamish would like a slide in the classroom. 

Arthur would like a car track.

Joseph and Amber  to speak to Mrs Elliott and Mrs Jenkinson about doing more DT. The PTA can most likely fund the tools etc


Mr Gardner to ask Mrs Bradbury about having a slide in the classroom but feels this may not be very safe.

PTA can look into renting a car track and organise an event.

Safeguarding - strangers - do we know what to do?

Archie - someone that you don’t know - they could kidnap you. 

Arthur - I’d yell “stranger danger!”

Who are safe strangers - friends of family - someone you’ve seen maybe once that is nice and kind. Police officer, doctors, nurse.

Mr Gardner said that somewhere like the Spar or 172 would be a safe adult as they are trusted to work with the public.

Mr Gardner to talk to Mrs Elliott and Mrs Jenkinson about how we teach children of the dangers and who is safe to go to.

Health & Safety - 

Illness - how can we help to not get ill and spread illness?

Eat vegetables 

Take medicine 


Drink water

Washing hands!!!

Sneeze in tissues

“Catch it, bin it, kill it”.


Action Forms

Pokemon Club

The Reader Leaders would like to run a ‘500 Words Story Competition’ for years 3, 4, 5 and 6. 

The younger councillors weren’t happy that they weren’t included.

Mr Gardner to talk to organiser about slight change to current club.

500 Words Competition approved with the proviso that there will also be a KS1 writing competition too. 




Date of next meeting 

Tuesday 26th November 2024