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St James Primary School

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Whole School Ramble

On Friday 15th of October, all the children of St James Primary  took time out of the day to take part in our annual Whole School Ramble through Thursley Common. It was a lovely day and the weather was on our side.

The children from Little Ducks and Puffins joined the rest of the school in their attempt to undertake the worlds longest 'follow my leader'. We managed nearly 200 people in our chain, and whilst  sadly, we did not win the world record, (2348 people, Logan-Rogersville School in Missouri are the record holders) everyone had a good time. KS1 and KS2 also took part in several inter-house challenges during the course of the walk. We all walked across the boardwalks and were praised by several birdwatchers for our good, sensible respectful attitudes. Well done everyone. We will try for the world record again next year!