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St James Primary School

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Y6 Home Front Day At Henley Fort

Eagles had the opportunity to travel back in time this term when they visited the Surrey Outdoor Learning Centre at Henley Fort near Guildford. Henley Fort is a Victorian structure that was built to defend London from possible French invasions. It was repurposed during the Second World War for use by the Home Guard.

Our Year 6 spent a whole day immersed in the life of key workers during the war and in particular focused upon what the Home Guard and ARP wardens did. The children had the opportunity to be both Home Guards; manning a check point; patrolling and preparing for the possibility of enemy paratroopers; plenty of marching and acting as ARP wardens; putting our fires; organising the blackout; managing air-raid shelters.

All the children discovered what it was like to take shelter from an air-raid in an Anderson shelter and they also discovered what it was like to squeeze a whole family into a Morrison shelter. The Eagles all agreed that they were glad they didn't have to wear the scratchy Home Guard uniforms and carry broomsticks as weapons as part of their everyday responsibilities!